Power Options NZ

Supplier of Click to visit water heating systems

Renewable Energy Systems

Wind and
Micro Hydro Power

An independent or grid-interactive power
generating system could be an option for you!

Reduce costs immediately with solar water heating!

Avoid or reduce mains connection costs!

Many NZ home owners now have 
power systems using free energy from the
sun, wind and running water.

Solar Power Wind Power Micro-Hydro Power
SolarSolar Array Wind generator Micro HydroMicro-hydro generator
Power Systems
Solar water heating

Authorised suppliers of:

Many others (just ask)

New Zealand-wide delivery.

The workshop - warehouse facility and home of business partners Ian and Carol Buchan, are powered by a wind-solar grid interactive system, and utilise an Apricus and Latento solar / Fuwi wood pellet boiler space heating system.They welcome interested clients wanting to view a sustainable energy lifestyle.
They can make independent power work for you.

Professional evaluation of your site resources and energy requirements would be a first step. By combining these factors with proven technology, design and installation skills, the result is a state-of-the-art power / home heating system.
User friendly, able to be connected to your house wiring, capable of running all conventional domestic appliances and comply with current New Zealand electrical wiring codes of compliance.The only way to go

SEANZ-Sustainable Energy Association of NZ

For brochures, prices, or further information –
Ian Buchan, Ph (03) 476-1112 or (027) 4404-086. E-mail:


Site: Gunn Interactive